Ayurvedic Consultation
"Know your unique nature and balance"
Initial consultation 60-80 minutes : $120
This is the place to start if you have never had a health consultation with Harmony Within before. You’ll receive an in-depth exploration of your health.
Initial consultation is:
To evaluate your current health concerns, health history, systemic examination, diet, lifestyle, current emotions and the mind, and discover your nature, Prakriti (unique natural constitution) and Vikriti (current state of health imbalance). Ayurvedic pulse reading and tongue diagnose are included.
To support your healing through some adjustments in lifestyle, diet, yoga and pranayama (breathing exercise), herbal intake and treatments. Personalized treatment recommendation plan will be provided through email. You will learn more about your nature, the right diet and lifestyle, suitable Ayurvedic medicine and herbal treatment.
Follow up consultation 30-45 minutes : $65
Follow up 30-45 minute consultation is for existing clients. We recommend 1 to 2 check-in consultations per year or as you need to address new issues or go deeper into healing longstanding health concerns. Follow up consultation is to ask follow up questions from a previous consultation, track progress, discuss additional recommendations and adjustments, get clarity or talk through ways to integrate previous changes you have made. It is a continuous learning for your self healing.