About Ayurveda
"Mother of all healing"
Ayurveda (“EYE-yer-VAY-da”) in Sanskrit means “the Science of Life”, which is considered one of the world's oldest healing sciences originated in India dating back over five thousand years. Ayurveda is recognized by World Health Organization (WHO) as traditional, complementary and alternative medicine.
Ayurveda views health not only as absence of disease. Health is achieved when you are aligned with your own natural and unique state of balance, Prakriti. We all are the unique nature and have our own constitution. Movement away from that constitution creates health imbalances, Vikriti, and if such imbalances are not addressed, disease may develop. Understanding your constitution is empowering. It gives you insight into who you are, how you should live and eat. It brings you knowledge of yourself and what is best for you, you can make better choices and decisions. First notice the early signs of imbalances, then make gentle and natural shifts in behavior to return to balance, such as modifying daily activities, adjusting diet, taking herbal medicines, using Ayurvedic treatments for a time.
Ayurveda describes the entire physical world in terms of five elements: Ether (Space), Air, Fire, Water and Earth (Panchamahabhuta). These five elements have particular qualities and energies. The five elements are moving around in all of us and in everything in our universe.
The five elements combine into three constitutional principles, known as doshas. These are:
Vata- space and air
Pitta- fire and water
Kapha- water and earth
The doshas are qualities and energies that influence all of the body's functions, from biological processes to thoughts and feelings. We all have Vata, Pitta and Kapha, but it is their particular combination that makes us who we are (Prakriti). When circumstances cause a particular dosha to become aggravated, it causes a temporary imbalance in the dosha (Vikriti). If left unchecked, this imbalance becomes chronic and health problems start.
Ayurveda treats the imbalances with the opposite qualities. Like increases like, and opposite balances each other. Balance any dosha imbalances with the opposite qualities to regain balance. To achieve this balance, Ayurveda focuses on key principles:
Remove the root cause
Treat the imbalance with the opposite
Every living being is dynamic. We continually change and renew every day. It is the body's capacity to regenerate itself by creating new cells that allows healing to happen.
Ayurveda identifies ten pairs of opposing qualities (Gunas) most useful as medicine. The twenty qualities are how nature keeps a balance and working together. Ayurveda encourages balance by introducing opposite qualities. All of the substances and experiences used as medicine have an effect on the body and mind.
At Harmony Within Rieko offers Ayurvedic consultation and a broad range of Ayurvedic treatments based on your unique constitution and current health imbalance. Your Ayurvedic journey begins from here.